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Tag: ' fly fishing rod '

"Water Dance" with Kerry Burkheimer

30 April 2014 | Video

In questo video Filson ci fa conoscere Kerry Burkheimer, proprietario della Seattle’s C.F. Burkheimer, che produce le migliori canne da pesca al mondo da oltre 100 anni. Realizzate con materiali e tecnologie modernissime, le CFB si distinguono anche per la accuratezza delle finiture e la qualità dei componenti utilizzati.

Meet Kerry Burkheimer, proud owner of Seattle’s C.F. Burkheimer — one of the finest fly fishing rod makers in the world. Filson give us a look at Burkheimer’s natural setting (the river) as well his small factory where his team meticulously handcrafts fly rods one at a time.

Tag: fly fishing rod dolomites filson Kerry Burkheimer mountains san martino di castrozza Seattle’s C.F. Burkheimer slalom stores Water Dance

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